Cheaper Isn’t Always Better!

When it comes to your home or office comfort, climate control is key. Finding the perfect heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) solution for your needs is a careful balance of performance, efficiency, and cost. While choosing the cheapest option is always tempting when making a big purchase like a new HVAC system, cheaper isn’t always better, and may not even be cheaper.

AC Units - Residential

Repair and Replacement Costs

Inexpensive, low quality HVAC equipment tends to break down more often than higher quality, slightly more expensive equipment. This leads to costly repair after costly repair or more frequent need for equipment replacement, adding up to you spending more money out of pocket over time than if you had chosen the higher quality model to begin with! And if you choose to replace your inexpensive, broken down unit with another inexpensive unit, the cycle continues.

Lower Efficiency

Cheaper HVAC systems are usually also less efficient in their operation than their higher-quality counterparts. A decrease in efficiency leads to an increase in energy costs, as the low-quality HVAC system works harder and requires more energy to achieve the same heating or cooling results as a higher-quality system.

Decreased Performance

Not paying very much for your HVAC system may seem like an attractive choice, but if your heating and cooling doesn’t perform as expected, you’ve wasted your money! There is a reason that HVAC unit doesn’t cost much, and it can usually be attributed to it not being built well. This low-quality equipment translates into lowered comfort for you and your family when your inexpensive HVAC system can’t cool your home down on a hot San Diego summer day.


At Precision Temperature, we take the long view on saving you money and we’re honest in our assessments of your needs. A quality HVAC unit may come with a large price tag, but will save you money over time. Plus, we offer a variety of financing options to help fit the HVAC unit of your dreams into your budget. Call us today at (619) 588-5321 and let us help find the perfect HVAC system for you.

1 Comment

  • housedepots
    Posted August 2, 2018 11:32 am 0Likes

    Thanks for Information. Good Article.

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